50-Yr Reunion (2009)

A Message from the Reunion Committee Folks!
January 14, 2009

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June 25, 2008 - A Message from the President:

"About 10 people met on May 13th as the 50th class reunion committee at the Elk's Home. We decided to set the date for the 50th reunion for August 21, 22, 2009, a Friday and Saturday. We decided to make the class officers the honorary chairpersons for the reunion. We are looking into places to have the reunion presently and have secured the Elks Home for both nights as a possiblillty. I will be checking on other places i.e., Eagles, Moose, and Cheers Chalet. Phil Hazelton has agreed to chair the talent show; Tom Hammer has agreed to chair a golf tournament; Helen Azbell will chair the Chinese auction again, and we are still looking for chairs for decorating and registration sub-committees. Our next meeting of the reunion committee will be held July 15th at the Elk's home on Main Street."

- Joe Clark

"The 2009 Class Reunion Committee will be meeting Tuesday (May 13, 2008) for the first time. Phil Hazelton has graciously agreed to chair a committee considering a talent show portion of the evening's activities on Saturday. Helen Azbell will be doing the Chinese auction again so she will be looking for any donations to be auctioned off. We will be setting a date and place for the reunion.

Tom Hammer has kindly agreed to chair a golf tournament for everyone if the committee decides to have a golf tournament. If any of you have some thought for a date and time for the reunion, I would appreciate your letting me know so I can share it with the others on the committee. Any other suggestions would also be appreciated.

This Class Reunion can be the best ever if you all participate. A sense of humor seems especially important as we get older and more things than not don't seem so important as in years past.

Life is gooooooood!"

- Joe Clark

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